"I can be Happy"

This lesson contains parts from the current nursery manual, Behold Your Little Ones. Click the link to view the original lesson "I Can be Happy" on LDS.org. 


Song & Activity: This activity goes along with the song "If You're Happy" from the Children's Songbook page 266. I filled a brown paper sack with various body parts from our mr. Potato Head collection (eye, ear, tongue, hands, feet). My two drew a body part out of the sack and we incorporated it into our song. For example, when he drew the eyes we sang, "If you're happy and you know it blink your eyes." Other examples: Tickle your ear, stick out your tongue, clap your hands, stomp your feet.

Story from the Manual: "Mary and her mommy were going for a walk (point to Mary and Mommy in the picture). Some people they passed were frowning (ask the children to frown). Mary asked Mommy, “Why are the people so sad?” Mommy said, “I don’t know, but maybe we can smile at them and help them be happy.” As they walked along, Mary saw a woman coming toward them. Mary smiled her biggest smile (invite the children to smile their biggest smiles). When the woman saw Mary’s happy face, she smiled back. Mary said, “It worked!” Mommy said, “When we choose to be happy, it helps others be happy too.” 

Be Happy Chart: Before the lesson, I made a "Be Happy Chart." With the help of a milk jug lid, I drew ten circles onto a piece of white card stock and wrote "Be Happy" on the top. On a separate piece of paper I drew another ten circles with a smiley face on them. I colored the circles on the chart to match the smiley face circles. I laminated the chart and smiley faces and used velcro to stick the smiley faces onto our chart. For the lesson, I pulled out our "Be Happy Chart" and reminded my two how important it is to do things to make other people happy. I told him about our chart and how each time he did something to make someone happy, we would add a smiley face onto our chart. We talked about nice things he could do for others - share his toys with brother, give loves and kisses, be a good helper and listener, etc. 

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