Letter L: Lion Craft, Feed the Lion (Day 5)

1) Lion Craft from The Measured Mom: This is one of my favorite crafts of the series.
  • Cut out the lion pieces from construction paper and have your child glue all the pieces on. It helps if the parent squeezes a dab of glue where the pieces should go (instead of putting glue on the back on the pieces).
  • Glue on googly eyes
  • Glue on elbow macaroni on the lion's mane.

2) Handprint Lion from The Measured Mom: There's something so sweet about Easton's little handprint used in art projects.

  • Paint your child's hand yellow and stamp his/her handprint on a piece of white paper.
  • Once the paint dries, glue on googly eyes.
  • Glue on strips of colored paper for the mane.

3) Feed the Lion: 
  • Make a lion from a paper bag, paper plate or poster board. 
  • Cut a hole where the mouth will go. 
  • Have your child draw bones (scroll down to print from Preschool Alphabet) from a paper bag. You can draw letters, shapes, numbers or whatever you'd like on the bones. If you'd like, you can laminate just the bones, so you can reuse the bones. Use a dry erase marker to draw and erase on the laminated bone. 
  • Have your child feed bones to the lion. Make sure your child tells the lion the shape, so the lion knows which shape he's eating. 
(picture to come)

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