Halloween: Ghosts

Book: "We're going on a Ghost Hunt." This book is really similar to "We're going on a bear hunt" - which is one of Easton's favorite books. I like the bear hunt book better, but Easton seemed to really like this one as well. We read it over and over today and even reenacted the story at home (see activity below). Click here to purchase this book online.

Ghost Hunt: After reading the book above, we reenacted the story at home. I bought a little blow up ghost at the Dollar Store and hid it in our living room. I also set up a mini obstacle course as things for Easton to go through to find the ghost. For instance, I set up hula hoops and when Easton jumped through them I said, "Oh, no. Hula Hoops. Round, circular hula hoops. You can't go under them, you can go over them, you have to go through them!" I said something similar with a pan full of spiders, a table, tunnel, and slide. I just used things we already had at home. Easton LOVED our ghost hunt and we spent a lot of time finding ghosts today. 



Handprint Ghost: Easton wasn't up for me painting his foot white, so we did his hands (minus his thumb) instead. I used white tempera paint and had him stamp his hand on black card stock. When the paint dried, we glued on goggly eyes. Click here to view a footprint ghost.

Salt Ghost: I got a piece of black card stock paper and drew a ghost with two eyes and a mouth. Then, I mixed water and glue together to make a watery glue paste. I dipped my paintbrush in the paste and painted my ghost (except for the eyes and mouth.) I had Easton pour salt all over the ghost and shook the remaining salt from our paper into a garbage can. A salt ghost was left for us to see! I found a similar idea on this blog.

Ghost File Folder: One of my neighbors gave me this ghost file folder below (see first picture). It's a color matching game - match the color of the ghost to the same color of window in the haunted house. I'm not sure where my neighbor got the file folder, but I thought it would be cute to make a similar file folder out of these ghosts (see second picture below).


 Chocolate Chip Ghost Story: Easton loves this story and I do, too! It's a story about five little ghosts who are only able to eat milk and ice cream. One day their mother leaves to the grocery store and reminds them not to eat anything other than milk and ice cream or else they would get sick. Of course, the little ghosts get hungry and turn the color of the thing they ate! Their mom comes home and calls the doctor. The little ghosts have to stay in bed for five days and only eat milk and ice cream to feel better. This is a good story about listening to parents and I love the visuals! Click here to print the story and visuals.

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