Creation (1): Jesus Christ Created the World For Me

This lesson is based on the current nursery manual, "Behold Your Little Ones." Click the link to view the original lesson, Jesus Christ Created the World For Me, on


Song: "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" from The Primary Children's Book, page 228. We used the actions from the manual:

Whenever I hear the song of a bird (cup hand to ear)
Or look at the blue, blue sky, (look up, pretending to shade eyes with hand)
Whenever I feel the rain on my face (touch fingertips to face)
Or the wind as it rushes by, (wave hands back and forth)
Whenever I touch a velvet rose (cup hands together)
Or walk by our lilac tree, (use two fingers to “walk” up other arm)
I’m glad that I live in this beautiful world (raise hands in circle above head)
Heavenly Father created for me. (point to self)

Creation Picture: We discussed the picture below from the manual. We talked about how Jesus created the earth for us, because he loves us. We talked about the beautiful trees (have your child put his/her hands in the air pretending to be a tree), all the different animals (have your child make animal noises and repeated some of their names), the waterfall (have your child make a swooshing noise), etc. We talked about all the different animals my two year old has seen and how Jesus created them for him. 

Coloring Activity: Next, we colored the "Creation Book" from the nursery manual. When my two finished coloring, we folded the book and taped it on our fridge as a reminder of our lesson this week.

Testimony: I quickly summarized what we'd learned about the creation and told my two how grateful I am for our beautiful world we have to live in. I told him how much Heavenly Father and Jesus love him, and that's why they created beauty all around us.

For other lesson ideas please visit:

Creation (2): The Creation Story (with visuals)
Plan of Salvation: "Heavenly Father has a Plan for me"

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