Letter M: M is for Marshmallow, Marshmallow Number Dots, Marshmallow Shooters (Day 5)

1) M is for Marshmallow:
  • Use Marshmallow Paint (from Child Care Land) to paint a piece of white card stock.
  • The paint will be a little sticky, so you could place the Letter M on the paint now OR wait until the paint is dry. This will take about 24 hours.
  • Have your child glue marshmallows onto the Letter M. 

2) Marshmallow Dots:
  • Draw a grid on a piece of paper with numbers 1-10 (similar to the one below).
  • Instead of gluing on the marshmallows, use a large marshmallow to stamp the same number of times as the number given. You could dip the marshmallow in the marshmallow paint, made in the activity above.

3) Make Marshmallow Shooters from Grandma's Briefs: These look so much fun!
  • Optional: Use a toilet paper roll instead of a plastic cup.
  • Use these to shoot giant shape outlines (letters, numbers or other targets would work, too!). It would be fun to tape the shapes to the wall and have your child run around the house and pretend the shape outlines were "bad guys". Shoot the shapes until you've found them all. 

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