Letter P: Porcupine, Pom Poms, Pouring, Patterns, Playdough (Day 5)

We had extra time today, so we did a few more things than normal. Today was a lot of fun! Easton was so interested, we spent over an hour and a half doing these activities. The following ideas are all from the Letter P activities on the Measured Mom blog.

Prickly Porcupine: We watched a little youtube video on porcupines today, so Easton knew what they looked like and about their quills. Afterward, we glued our porcupine body onto a piece of white card stock and used a plastic fork to stamp brown paint onto our porcupine. Click the title "Prickly Porcupine" for a tutorial.

(Easton's Porcupine)

Pom Pom Painting & Color Sorting: There are so many ideas online of activities to do with Pom Poms. I bought a set from the Dollar Store and we used them to paint today (see first picture below). We used a clothes pin to hold the pom pom in place. Next, we did a color sorting activity with pom poms. I found a set of colored bowls at Ikea and they happen to match the colors of our pom poms (see second picture below). Easton matched as many colors as he liked before moving on to our next activity.

Pouring: We used coins, pom poms and colored beads for the remainder of our activities today. I brought the coins out first and he immediately dumped them on the carpet. We talked about different names of the coins and I showed him how cool it sounds pouring them from cup to cup. We had a similar conversation with the pom poms and beads. I loved watching Easton's creativity throughout the day. The Ikea colored bowls and cups are great for stacking as well (see below).

Patterns: We're still working on ABAB patterns and today is the first day I feel like it started to click. We used coins (quarters and pennies), goggle eyes (big and small), and colored beads (blue, pink) to pattern today.

Play Dough: After using the coins, eyes and beads to pattern I brought out some play dough. Once again, I loved watching Easton's creativity. He ended making a "Sting Ray" with his play dough.

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