Letter Q: Queen (Day 3)

Queen Jewel Counting: I printed a set of Queen Cards with numbers 1-10 on them. I had Easton draw a queen card from a pile and place the correct number of jewels on the card. For instance, if he drew the queen with the number four, he placed four gems on the card. I printed these cards from a Letter Q Learning Pack.

Queen Number Ordering: I used the same Queen Cards above and had Easton put them in order from 1-10. Number ordering isn't Easton's favorite, so I try to make it a little more fun by involving a treat. "If you put the queens in order, I'll give you a chocolate chip." It works almost every time.

Q is for Queen: I love crafts that involve the letter we're working on during the week! I cut out a big letter Q and glued it onto a piece of paper. We used the jewels from the first activity today and Easton chose where to glue them on the Queen's Crown. Click the title "Q is for Queen" to view a list of Letter Q crafts including this one.

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