Reverence (1): "I Will be Reverent"

This lesson is based on the current nursery manual, Behold Your Little Ones. Click the link to view the original lesson, "I Will be Reverent" from

For other Family Home Evening lessons, search our Family Home Evening Index.


Song: "I Will Try to be Reverent" Children's Songbook page 28. Click here to sing along. We did the actions from the manual as we sang the song:

I love my Heavenly Father (put hands over heart)
And I will try to be (point to self)
Reverent when I'm in his house (put fingertips together to form a housetop)
Then he'll be near to me (hug self)

Picture: As suggested in the manual, we discussed how reverent the family is sitting in the picture below. "Tell the children that this family is at church and that they are being reverent. Invite the children to say "reverent". Explain that being reverent means quietly thinking about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Point out things that the family in the picture is doing to show that they are reverent. Draw particular attention to the children in the picture." We related how Easton could be reverent at church, just as the little boy is being reverent in the picture. Being reverent is a great way to show Heavenly Father and Jesus that we love them.

Mr. Potato Head Activity: Before our lesson, I filled a paper bag with Mr. Potato Head items - head, arms, eyes, ears, mouth and legs. Easton drew the items from the bag one at a time as we discussed how we could show reverence with that part of the body. Here's what we talked about:

Head - We show reverence by thinking about Jesus and Heavenly Father at church.
Arms - We show reverence by folding our arms and keeping our arms to ourselves.
Eyes - We show reverence by watching our teacher in nursery when he/she teaches us.
Ears - We show reverence by listening to talks and our teachers.
Mouth - We show reverence by using our quiet voice at church.
Legs - We show reverence by using our quiet feet at church.

Activity Verse: We went over this activity verse a few times as suggested in the manual:

Open, shut them (open and shut hands)
Open, shut them (open and shut hands)
Give a little clap (clap hands)
Open, shut them (open and shut hands)
Open, shut them (open and shut hands)
Lay them in your lap (hold hands together in lap)

Coloring Activity: We colored the Reverence Picture found in the manual lesson. I read the words next to the coloring page and reminded Easton how we can be reverent during prayers. We hung the colored Reverence Picture on our fridge as a reminder of our lesson this week. 

Testimony: As a part of my testimony, I complimented Easton on being reverent at church. I hold him examples of how he has shown reverence at church and how happy he makes Heavenly Father.

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