The Sacrament (1): "The Sacrament Helps me think of Jesus"

This lesson has ideas from the current nursery manual, Behold Your Little Ones. Click the link to view the original lesson "The Sacrament Helps Me Think of Jesus Christ" on

For other Family Home Evening lessons, search our Family Home Evening Index


: "Reverently, Quietly" Children's Songbook page 26. Click here to sing along. As suggested in the manual, we held up the picture of Jesus while singing the first line multiple times. "Reverently, quietly, lovingly we think of Thee."

Discussion/Scripture/Picture: Every Sunday, we get to do something very special to remember Jesus - during sacrament meeting we get to eat a piece of bread and drink a little cup of water. This is called the sacrament. In the scriptures, Jesus tell us that He wants us to take the sacrament to remember Him. Read Luke 22:19 "Jesus said, this do in remembrance of me." Next, I showed Easton the picture below. We talked about how the Deacon is passing the sacrament because he's worthy and holds the priesthood (I know Easton doesn't fully understand what the priesthood is, but I want him to start becoming familiar with the word). We pointed out about how everyone is sitting quietly and thinking about Jesus. We taught Easton to listen quietly while during the sacrament prayer, to take one piece of bread, and to put the water cup back in the tray after drinking the water.

Activity Verse: As suggested in the manual, we went through the activity verse below:

Quietly I eat the bread (pretend to eat bread)
And drink the water too (pretend to drink water)
I fold my arms and think of Jesus (fold arms)
That's what I should do (nod head up and down)

Picture of Jesus: While holding up the picture of Jesus below, we asked Easton, "Who do we think of during the sacrament?" And he responded, "Jesus."

Matching/Coloring Game: I printed two copies of the Sacrament Cards below onto white card stock. I hid the first set (four cards) around the room before our FHE. The second set I put in front of Easton. After reading the words and discussing the cards, Easton colored them. When he was finished coloring, I had him find the matching cards around the room. He matched the cards together and we again reviewed the important words on the card. *We're going to save the non-colored cards and use them in our Sacrament Book we make next week.


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Reverence (1): "I Will be Reverent"
Reverence (2): "Why Animals Can't go to Primary"
The Sacrament (2): DIY Sacrament Book w/pictures of Jesus

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