Letter N: Nail the Letter, Letter N Book, Letter N Alphabet Handprint Art (Nest), Number Booklet, Letter N Music (Day 1)

Nail the Letter: To review the alphabet as a whole today, I wrote upper case letters with permanent marker on Floral Foam (bought at the dollar store). I also bought a set of "nails" or golf tees online and pulled out our hammer from our kid tool set. I like this activity, because it can be used if toddlers know one letter, multiple letters or the entire alphabet. It could also be used as a shape or number review. As a reminder, don't have high expectations with toddlers. In my mind, I was thinking Easton would use the hammer and hammer the nails into place. However, he liked poking the letters with the golf tee instead. We still accomplished the same goal of reviewing all the letters, but did it his way.

2) Letter N Book from The Measured Mom: Read this short book together. Point out the Big Letter N's and talk about the pictures together.

(picture to come)

3) Letter N Handprint Art (Nest): When I asked my husband if he knew what this was, he looked really confused. We had fun making a "nest" though!
  • Paint your child's hand brown and have him/her stamp it onto a paper.
  • Dip your child's finger in blue paint and hive him/her stamp three eggs onto the nest.

4) N is for Numbers Book from Mess for Less: You can print this counting activity from the link provided OR draw your own. Place the same amount of office stickers as the number on the paper.

5) Letter N Music Time:
  • N is for Nest by Jean Warren: Do actions while you sing this song.
Two little blue birds in a tree,
(hold up two fingers and place them on your other arm)
Built a nest for all to see.
(put your hands in a bowl shape in front of you)
Along came the babies.. one, two three.
(rock a baby, hold up fingers one, two three)
Now they're a happy family!
(point fingers to your mouth and smile)
This is the way we pound our nails,
pound our nails, pound our nails.
This is the way we pound our nails,
So early in the morning.

Tune: Mulberry Bush

  • N is for Nose from The Measured Mom: Act this one out to the words of the song.
On my face, I have a nose.
And way down here I have ten toes.
I have two eyes that help me blink.
I have a head to help me think.
I have a chin and very near
I have two ears so I can hear.
And here are my arms to hold up high.
And here is my hand to wave goodbye.

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