Letter K: Kite Craft, Kites: Sizing, Number Clip Cards, Patterns. Fly a Kite. (Day 4)

1) Tissue Paper Kite from The Measured Mom: I found all our supplies at the Dollar Store!
  • Contact Paper
  • Tissue Paper, cut into squares
  • Black Construction Paper
  1. Cut a piece of contact paper into a diamond. 
  2. On the sticky side of the contact paper, stick on your black cross.
  3. All your child to place the tissue paper squares. 
  4. Praise and hang on the window for light to shine through.

2) Kite File Folder from The Measured Mom: This file folder works on color matching and size sorting. My two loves file folders, so this was perfect for him. 

3) Kite Clip Cards from The Measured Mom: We only used kite clip cards with numbers 1-8. I helped my two count the kites and he pointed to the correct number. 

4) Kite Pattern Cards from A Teaching Mommy: I put out an ABAB pattern for my two (ie. blue, green, blue, green, blue, green) and would say the colors out loud and ask him, "What comes next?" We're still working on the pattern concept. 

(picture to come)

5) Go outside and fly a kite, weather permitting. You can find great ones at the Dollar Store or try this Plastic Bag Kite from Munchkins and Moms (shown below).

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