Creation (2): The Creation Story


Song: "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" from The Primary Children's Book, page 228. We used the actions from the manual:

Whenever I hear the song of a bird 
(cup hand to ear)
Or look at the blue, blue sky, 
(look up, pretending to shade eyes with hand)
Whenever I feel the rain on my face 
(touch fingertips to face)
Or the wind as it rushes by, 
(wave hands back and forth)
Whenever I touch a velvet rose 
(cup hands together)
Or walk by our lilac tree, 
(use two fingers to “walk” up other arm)
I’m glad that I live in this beautiful world 
(raise hands in circle above head)
Heavenly Father created for me. 
(point to self)

The Creation Story: I found and copied "The Creation Story" from one of my mom's family home evening packets. I'm not sure on the original source. My two year old loved the pictures! You can right click on the pictures to print them. If you'd like a scanned copy, please leave your email address in the comments below.




Activity (Grow Seeds OR Nature Walk): I helped my two fill a plastic cup with soil and a few grass seeds (you could also use beans, corn or wheat seeds). I wrote, "Jesus Christ Made Seeds for Me" on the cup. We put the cup on our window sill and watered it each day. My two loved watching the grass grow taller and taller every day! Another option would be going on a nature walk (or drive if it's too cold outside!) as a family. Point out all the beautiful things Jesus created for us. 


For other lesson ideas, please visit:

Creation (1): "Jesus Christ Created the World for me"
Reverence (1): "I Will be Reverent"

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