Letter Y: Yellow Paint Rolling, Yellow Pom Pom Number Activity, Is it Yellow? Yellow Balloon Play

1) Yellow Paint Rolling: My two loved pretending to make a road with these paint rollers. He'd first use the bumpy roller to cut up the road and use the smooth roller to make it flat again. I love watching imagination and creativity in these activities. Next time, I'll draw a letter Y on an office sticker and stick it onto the paint handle.

2) Yellow Pom Poms Number Activity: My two normally doesn't love number activities, but this one was a hit! He drew a number card (you could even hide them around the room) and used the tweezers to place the correct amount of pom poms onto the matching number in the egg carton. This activity also works on fine motor skills.
  • Egg Carton with numbers 1-10
  • Number Cards 1-10
  • Yellow Pom Poms
  • Tweezers

3) Is it Yellow?: Grab a bunch of different colored items (including a bunch of yellow) from your house and put them in a brown paper sack. Have your child draw an item and say, "Is it yellow!?" If it's not yellow, have your child tell you which color it is. If it is yellow, put it in a special bin or reward them with a sticker or chocolate chip. 

4) Yellow Balloon Play: Of course, you could spend the time filling and tying yellow water balloons, but have you ever heard of Bunch O Balloons? They are amazing! All you do is connect a set of balloons (as pictured below) to your hose and you have thirty balloons in thirty seconds, already tied! Click the link for how this is done. Ideas for play:
  • Make a target and practice throwing the balloons at the target (the target could be a letter Y).
  • Add a bin full of water and/or shaving cream to add to the fun.
  • Put them in the tub (this is especially a fun thing to do in the winter).
  • Play water balloon pass. 

(picture to come)

Other Yellow Ideas from Preschool Alphabet

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