Letter Y: Yarn Painting, Sticky Wall Yarn Shapes

Yarn Painting: This is a process art activity - meaning it can have a lot of different outcomes. Watch your child's creativity as you give them paper, paint and a string of yarn.

Sticky Wall Yarn Shapes: My two really loves sticky wall activities, so I added another one into the mix today. Here's what to do:

  • Draw shapes on the non-sticky side of contact paper.
  • Tape the contact paper onto a window or wall (sticky side facing out) and provide pieces of yarn for your child to use.
  • You can call out shapes for your toddler to put a piece of yarn on (if they're old enough they could wrap the yarn around a shape - like the heart pictured below) or just let them play. Make sure to use all the shape vocabulary as you play and ask questions like, "what shape are you putting the yellow yarn on?"
  • I made different lengths of yarn to talk about short, medium and long.
  • I used different colors of yarn, to use this as a color review activity.

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