Letter Y: Yes! Alphabet Review, Letter Y Book, Letter Y Handprint Art (Yak), Letter Y Music Time

"YES!" Alphabet Review:

  • Draw letters A-Z on a piece of paper.
  • Give your child a set of office stickers to cover the letters when asked.
  • Say, "Can you cover the letter Y?" And have your toddler cover the letter Y and say, "Yes!"

(picture to come)

Letter Y Book from The Measured Mom: Read together. Talk about the pictures and Letter Y.

(picture to come)

Letter Y Handprint Art (Yak):

Letter Y Music from The Measured Mom:
  • Yankee Doodle: Ride around on stick horses (or pretend your couch cushions are horses). Pretend to stick a feather in your hat when prompted.
Yankee Doodle went to town,
Riding on a pony.
Stuck a feather in his hat,
And called it macaroni.
  • Y is for YoYo: Pass a yoyo back and forth. I bought ours from the Dollar Store.
Yoyo starts with letter Y,
Letter Y, letter Y.
Yoyo starts with letter Y

Tune: Mary had a little lamb
  • You Put Your Whole Self In: Jump in and out of hula hoops.
You put your whole self in,
You put your whole self out.
You put your whole self in,
And you shake it all about.
You do the Hokey Pokey,
And you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about!

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