Apple Stamping (aka. apple chucking)

I have two boys - one is almost three and the other is one. I was so excited to try apple stamping this year! I put a long sheet of butcher paper on the ground, cut a few apples (vertically and horizontally) and squirted some red paint onto a paper plate. Tip: Cut handles into the apples or puncture the side of the apple with a fork, so the apples are easier for toddlers to grasp.

Well, my three stamped for about ten seconds before he was finished and my one was more interested in getting paint on his face. My husband laughed at me and said, "It's so funny how you spent more time getting this activity ready than they actually played." I agreed. I stamped some while the boys played around for a little bit, UNTIL my three got the idea of apple chucking! Much more active and boy friendly. I love planning activities and watching them evolve into something else. It means creativity is happening and we all went along with it. I decided to tape the butcher paper to the fence and let my boys chuck apples at the fence. They're little enough, I knew it wouldn't damage the fence. Lots of laughing going on today.

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