Letter G: Songs & Rhymes

1) The Gingerbread Man. 
  • Color a paper gingerbread man with crayons. Hold the gingerbread man while sitting or running around in a circle saying this rhyme.
Run! Run!
As fast as you can.
You can't catch me,
I'm the gingerbread man!

2) I Know a Giraffe - Author Unknown.
  • Use actions while singing this song. 
I know a giraffe,
(point to self)
With a neck that's so high.
(point to neck)
She stretches and stretches
Until it reaches the sky.
(stretch hands higher and higher)
She lives on the plains
(point to the ground or another area as the plains)
With the elephants, too.
(sway arm, pretending to be an elephant trunk)
You may also see her when you go to the zoo.
(place hand above your eyes, pretending to see a giraffe at the zoo)

Tune: Old Smokey

3) The Garden Song from DLTK.
  • Shake rattles (with letter G office stickers on the back - see below) while singing this song. 
Grapes grow in Gloria's garden
She grows some green gourds, too.
For words that start with G
The people run to see! 
Oh, grapes grow in Gloria's garden
G G G G G G G 

(Tune: John, Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt)

4) Grandma's Glasses from The Measured Mom.
  • Use actions while singing this song. 
Here are Grandma's glasses,
(make "O" shapes with your hands and place them over your eyes)
Here is Grandma's hat.
(place your hand on your head, pretending to hold a hat)
This is the way she folds her hands
(fold your arms)
And lays them in her lap.
(place hands in your lap)

5) I'm a Little Groundhog from Can Teach.
  • Hide a picture (or stuffed animal) ground hog in the room and have one person look for the ground hog. This game is like hot and cold. Sing the song loudly if the person is close or quietly if the person is far away.  Tune: I'm a Little Teapot
I'm a little groundhog, furry and brown, 
See me pop while I look around, 
If I see my shadow, down I'll go 
Six more weeks of winter, oh no!

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