Letter G: Letter of the Week (age 3)

Here's what our week looked like for Letter G: 

Read, Read, Read. I love reading to my kids on a daily basis. My three has always loved being read to, but my one is enjoying it more and more. Most days, I'll read to both of them while they're eating breakfast. I checked out our Letter G Booklist at the library a week in advance. The picture above were our very favorite books, but you view more great Letter G books by clicking on the booklist link.

Read Letter G Book. We also love to read these Little Letter Books from The Measured Mom. There are only eight or so pictures in each booklet. I pointed out the uppercase and lowercase G's (since we are focusing on both this year) and we talked about the pictures. 

Letter G Songs & Rhymes. This year, I'm putting together an interactive set of songs & rhymes for each letter of the alphabet. I know this series is focused on my almost three, but my one year old had so much fun doing the Letter G Songs & Rhymes with us this week. If you're looking for something more simple without props, take a look at this printable set of songs and rhymes from The Measured Mom.

Writing Practice. Every child is different, but my three loves writing letters! We practiced writing the Letter G's with "G's of All Sizes" from The Measured Mom. I decided to laminate them, so we can use them over and over again. Because my barely three loves writing so much, we practiced more with our ABC Write & Wipe

Craft #1: Garbage Stamping. My three helped me scrunch small pieces of paper towels into "trash". Then, he dipped the trash in paint and stamped our garbage truck. This was also a great review of uppercase and lowercase G's. You can print a garbage truck from this printable pack (Royal Baloo).

Craft #2: Giraffe Salt Painting from Toddler Approved. Well, this didn't turn out quite like the tutorial, but my three still loved using water colors to paint a giraffe. Click the link for a tutorial and giraffe template. 

Craft #3: Crayon Gingerbread Man. I wanted to do a simple craft this week, and I realized we haven't used crayons in a while. And plus, we needed a little prop for our Gingerbread Man Rhyme. I drew a gingerbread man on paper and my three used his one and only favorite color to color him blue.

Color Review - Build a Flower Garden from Toddler Approved. We ran out of time this week, but I still hope to do this activity in the future. I was planning on cutting out multiple different colors of flowers to use this as a color review activity. I know my three would love this.

Math - Garbage Shape Match. My three drew a shape and matched it to the shapes board. You can print a garbage shapes (you'll need to print two) from this printable pack (Royal Baloo).

Math - Garbage Truck Counting from Crayon Freckles. My three used to not enjoy number activities, but they've recently become one of his very favorites of the week! He chose a number (from our puzzle board) and used tweezers to place the same amount of pom poms in our play garbage truck. 

Sensory Play - Popping Goop from Growing a Jeweled Rose. This was a highlight of our week! We made "Goop" by mixing FOUR cups of cornstarch and TWO cups of water together in a bowl. I poured the mixture into baking trays and we added pop rocks, plastic letter G's, spoons and a few other simple kitchen items. Goop is so much fun - a liquid when resting and a solid when played with. 

Letter Gg Activity #1 - Sort the Garbage Trucks. My three drew a garbage truck and sorted the big and little G's. You can print this sorting activity from this printable pack (Royal Baloo).

Letter Gg Activity #2 - Make a Garden. My three loves finding things around the room. I drew flower stems with a window marker and hid the flowers all over the room. My three found the flowers and placed them on the flower stems to make a garden. We identified the big and little g's as we went. 

Beginning Sounds: Beginning Sounds Clip Cards from The Measured Mom. My three is doing really well with beginning sounds, so we tried these alphabet clip cards.

Letter G Science - Plant a Bean (Garden Theme). In the summer, I always buy a bag of potting soil from the Dollar Tree. After playing in our garden bin, my three helped me plant a black bean in the soil. We are watering it and watching it grow this week.

Alphabet as a Whole - Alphabet Action Cards from Teach Mama. My three (and one!) really enjoyed these alphabet action cards! They took turns drawing a card, my three would identify the letter and we'd all act out the action. We made it through 22 of the 26 cards, before they wanted to do something new. 

Name Review - Handwriting Name from Powerful Mothering. My three did such a great job writing his name - this is the first time he's ever done it! I helped him with the bottom one and he did the middle one all on his own. If you click on the link, you can customize the name.

And that's it!

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