Letter Q: Q Letter Hunt, Quail (Day 4)

Q Letter Hunt: We used Do-a-Dot Markers to stamp the letter Q's. I love this letter recognition activity. Click the title "Q Letter Hunt" to print the page below as well as letter hunts for the remainder of the alphabet. Easton is only working on uppercase letters, but the option is available to print only lowercase letters, only uppercase letters, or a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.

Q is for Quail: I found this idea on the Letter Q Craft List on the Measured Mom blog. Below is Easton's darling Quail. I love how he almost always glues bird feet upside down.

Quail Dot Page: We used our Power Magnets and a magnetic cookie sheet to do this activity. I like using the magnets, because it means we can re-use the quail dot page. However, we've also used Do-a-Dot Markers and Office Stickers to fill in the dots. Click the title "Quail Dot Page" to print. The link takes you to an entire set of alphabet dot pages and a tutorial on how to use them. I love that Easton made "shoes" for his quail.

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