The Resurrection (with FREE Plan of Salvation and Resurrection Roll Recipe)
Resurrection Truths from the Book of Mormon: Various scripture references that teach important truths about the resurrection from the Book of Mormon.
Resurrection Rolls: These rolls aren't only delicious, but a great object lesson on the resurrection.
Plan of Salvation PDF: Includes FREE Plan of Salvation images to teach about the resurrection.
Death & Resurrection from Latter Day Kids. These are the best animated videos with clear content that's easy for kids to understand. It would be fun to do a goldfish craft after this.

A Loved One: Teach your children about someone you know who has died and lives in the spirit world. Talk about your favorite things about them, what you learned from them or a favorite story. Celebrate this person by eating their favorite food or doing another activity to remember them.
Object Lesson: The Glove Analogy
Put on a glove. Wiggle your fingers in the glove and talk about how your hand is making the glove move. Then, take your hand out of the glove. Talk about how the glove can no longer move. Then, put the glove back on and point out that the glove can once again move. Optional: Provide enough gloves for everyone and do this activity together.
Our hand represents our spirit and the glove represents our body. Before we were born, our spirits were alive and lived in heaven (hold up your hand and wiggle your fingers). When we were born, our spirits were given a body (put the glove on). Ask your children if they can move their hands. Ask them to show you. Then, ask them to move other parts of their body. Because your body can move, what does that mean? It means you have a spirit inside of your body.
When we die, our spirits leave the body (take the glove off). Your spirit goes to a place called the Spirit World and your body stays on earth (place the glove on the floor). Think of all the things you can do with your body. Do you think you would miss your body?