Resurrection Truths (from the Book of Mormon)
Free Download: Resurrection Truths PDF
Song: Jesus Has Risen (Children’s Songbook p.70)
Opening Discussion:
Optional: Glove Analogy. When we came to earth our spirit was given a body. We’re going to pretend our hand is our spirit (wiggle your hand) and the glove is our body. Place the glove on the ground and ask the children if the glove can move on its own? Without our spirit, our body (or glove) can not move. When we were born, our body and spirit were put together (put the glove over your hand). We know we have a spirit, because our bodies can move! Ask the children to move and show them that they have a spirit inside them. When we die, our body and spirit are separated for a time. Take the glove off your hand. Our bodies stay on the earth and our spirits go to a place called the Spirit World. Because of Jesus, our bodies and spirits will be together again. This is called a restoration or resurrection. This is what we celebrate at Easter.
Resurrection Truths Game:
Have your children take turns drawing a “Resurrection Truth” card. Read the question on the card, and then read the scripture together to find the answer. Have the child answer the question on the card.
Make sure children know that the Book of Mormon was written in the Americas (for question 5). Ask them if they think there were even other groups of people we don’t know about. Question 6 may be too much for younger children. Leave it out if desired.
Resurrection Rolls:
Make these together as you discuss the symbolism between the rolls and the resurrection. Watch this VIDEO TUTORIAL on how to make Resurrection Rolls.