Letter X: Letter X Painting, X Marks the Spot (Day 4)

Letter X Painting (Tape Resist): It's always fun finding new things to paint with! Today, we used a dish scrubber. Easton really enjoyed this craft and loved when we removed the tape and revealed a Letter X. Here's what you need:
  • White Paper
  • Masking Tape
  • Dish Scrubber
  • Washable Tempera Paint
1) Use masking tape to make a large Letter X on your paper.
2) Have your child use a dish scrubber to paint your project (first picture below). It helps to bring one color out at a time. Once your child is finished, wait for the paint to dry.
3) Once the paint is dry, carefully remove the masking tape to reveal a Letter X. 

X Marks the Spot Treasure Hunt: This activity took a little preparation, but was so much of fun. I put together a little treasure hunt with six clues, which lead to a special treat. Before giving Easton the first clue, I explained what a detective is and pulled out his special detective outfit I bought from the Dollar Store. He looked so adorable with his cape, mask and detective wand! I gave him the first clue and had him identify the letter X. I explained the "X" is where the next clue is hidden. Next time, I'm going to make the clue pictures much simpler. Easton found all the clues and was so excited to eat his yummy treat at the end.

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