Letter E: Booklist

Edward the Emu by Sheena Knowles: This book is about an emu, named Edward, who wants to be seen at the zoo. Edward goes into different zoo animal cages, trying to resemble the animal inside the cage. However, when he returns to his own cage, he finds a very pleasant surprise! My boy (ages 3, 1) both love this story.
Edwina the Emu by Sheena Knowles: This is a sequel to the book above and my three especially loved this book! It's about Edwina, an emu, who lays ten eggs and feels like she needs to find a job. "Yeek! said the man practically chocking. An emu doing ballet, you've got to be joking!" We loved the rhymes and ending to the book. Family is always most important.
Little Donkey Close Your Eyes by Margaret Wise Brown: This book is a really cute bedtime story. Each page is a different mother animal telling her baby to close their eyes and fall asleep. My three loves donkeys, so I knew he'd love this book.
The Empty Pot by Demi. This book is about a little boy, named Ping, who loves flowers. As the emperor grows old, he gives each child in the kingdom a flower seed to plant and bring back to him in a years time. Ping plants, waters and tends to the flower seed each day, but nothing grows. This is a great book about honesty.
Eggday by Joyce Dunbar: My three requested to read this book a bunch this week. It's about a duck that confesses it's egg day tomorrow! He tells the pig, horse and goat to all bring their own eggs. As hard as the animals try, they aren't able to lay eggs. Luckily the chicken has a creative idea. Which egg ends up being the best?
The Ear Book by Doctor Seuss: This is a quick read that my boys (ages three and one) both enjoyed. It teaches about all the things our ears can do.
Whose Eyes Are These? by Peg Hall: We all loved this book. This book teaches about different kinds of eyes and what they are used for. I even learned a lot of new things! Each page shows a picture of eyes and my three loved guessing which animal would be on the next page.
Earth Day, Birthday! by Maureen Wright: Is it earth day or a monkey's birthday? This book teaches about simple ways to take care of the earth. My boys (ages three and one) loved the jungle animals and rhymes in this book.
Elmer by David McKee: This is a very favorite of my three. It's about an colored patchwork elephant that doesn't feel like he fits in. One day, he travels through the jungle and finds a grey berry bush. He rolls around in the berries until he is completely grey. See what happens when he rejoins his herd. This book teaches that it's okay to be different.
Chicken's Aren't the Only Ones by Ruth Heller: This book teaches about all the different animals that lay eggs. We all enjoyed this rhyming book.