Week 4: Jesus is the Light

Morning Meeting - Talk about light. Show the pictures of the bugs, the light house and headlights and talk about why light is important in each example. Summarize John 1:6-9 and talk about how Jesus is the light. Explain that when we follow Him, it keeps us safe and leads us back to heaven. You can print these pictures at the end of the "Come Follow Me" Treasure Hunt link below.

Family Home Evening:

1) Have your children tell dad about the light pictures from our morning meeting.

2) "Come Follow Me" Treasure Hunt: Turn all the lights out! Your children will use a flashlight (Jesus) to find different clues around the house, each explaining a way we can follow Him. The clues will lead you to the hidden treasure. The directions and everything you need can be found by clicking the link above. Create a free account to download. Here are a few preview pictures...

Getting ready for our treasure hunt! 
Found clue number ONE! There are nine clues total.
At the end of the hunt, you write the "mystery letter" at the bottom of each clue to see where the treasure is hidden.
The mystery letters spell out "IN THE OVEN."
We found the treasure! Large gems (from amazon) and gold chocolate coins.

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