Come Follow Me Lesson Helps - August 3-9 - Alma 43-52
➤ Armor of God (Orange Example - Need two oranges, two glasses and water)
Read Alma 43:19, 20, 23, 28. The Amalekites and Nephites are about to battle. Read the verses and talk about how each group prepared for battle.
Although we aren't in a physical war today, we are in a spiritual war against Satan, who doesn't want us to keep God's commandments. Hold up one of the oranges. This orange represents us. Do you see how there is a skin/peel on here? What does the skin do for the orange inside? Just as the peel keeps the orange safe, there are things we can do to keep our spirits safe. What are some things you think we can do to keep our spirits safe? (repent, forgive others, read the scriptures, at home church). Now, I'm going to place this orange inside the water cup. Do you think it will sink or float? Do the experiment and explain when we keep the commandments and keep our spirits safe, we stay afloat and receive support from God.
Now let's see what would happen if we remove the peel. Take the second orange and start removing the peel as you talk about ways Satan deceives us. He tries to trick us into thinking things look fun, when they aren't good for us. He does it so slowly, sometimes we don't notice right away. Once the orange is peeled, ask what your kids think will happen when you place the orange is the second cup. It will sink. Relate to how Satan never supports his followers.

Photo from Chemistry with Cabbage
➤ Spiritual Battles from Latter Day Kids: I really love these animated videos. This one also has a great object lesson and scripture read along to go along with it.
➤ Strength of the Lord. This object lesson would go great as you talk about the battle between Moroni and Zarahemna (Alma 43-44). You could watch this video (watch beforehand to make sure it's appropriate for you kids) and make sure to read Alma 43:50 and Alma 44:5 that talk about God's power/strength that was given to the Nephites during battle.
➤ The Title of Liberty (Alma 46).
Watch this short video that summarizes the Title of Liberty.
Captain Moroni's Flag from the Friend July 2016: Simplified story for young children.
Make Your Own Title of Liberty from A Year of FHE.

➤ Satan Tempts and Deceives Us Little by Little (Alma 47:4-19)
Plastic Bag & Pencil Object Lesson from MeckMom. A great monthly subscription with tons of object lessons, like this one. This is how we related it to my family:
Read the story of Lehonti and discuss how "little by little" he was lead down the mountain. The mountain was up high and a safe spot, but Amalickiah talked him into coming down a little further each request. This is how Satan works. He makes us believe that the rules don't apply to us. It looks like we can watch pornography and it didn't effect me, I can drink a little bit and I'll be fine. Satan likes to "poison" us by degrees. It slowly leaks out. He never support us. He never leaves us strong. He uses that strength as a tool to make you feel impenetrable. When you allow that to happen and you don't fix it by repentance, the water leaks out.

Photo: Steve Spangler Science
➤ Freemen & Kingmen - The Importance of Unity (Alma 51).
Watch this short video and talk about how there was contention between the Nephites. Some Nephites wanted to be free from rule and other Nephites wanted there to be a king. They voted on the matter and the majority voted to be free from rule. This caused division in the land and a lack of unity. Because of this, the Lamanites attacked a city and were able to take over (Alma 51:23-26) Talk about the importance of being united as a group of people or a family. When we support, strengthen and love each other there is power.
Use one of these object lessons to explain this principle of unity...
1) Spaghetti Noodle. One breaks easily, but when put in a group it is much harder to break.

Photo: FrugalFun4Boys
2) Plastic Cups. If you stand on one plastic cup, it easily breaks. Try putting them together with cardboard or a cookie sheet on top, and it can hold a lot of weight!