Come Follow Me: August 10-17 (Alma 53-63)

The Stripling Warriors Video from Watch this beforehand to make sure it's okay for your children.
Stripling Warriors Game from
The Valiant Fox from Latter Day Kids. This animated video teaches about what it means to be valiant and have courage. It relates the foxes to the stripling warriors. Great content and easy to understand for kids.

Faith in Jesus Christ from News with Naylors. Relate faith (and unseen results) to how the stripling warriors may have felt. Talk about how we can have faith in Heavenly Father today. Click the link for a free download of the printable.

Faith & Color Mixing from News with Naylors. This is a great object lesson for younger kids that haven't experienced color mixing before. Relate this object lesson on faith to the stripling warriors. The warriors didn't know the outcome of the battle (just like we may not know the outcome when we color mix), but they believed and had faith in God that he would help them.
Faith is the Evidence of Things Not Seen from Latter Day Kids. I love this object lesson and animated video! This animated video explains faith so clearly and beautifully to young children.

Meck Mom has three really great Come Follow Me object lessons this week. We are going to use two of them during our morning meetings. One of them has to do with following the commandments with exactness (Stripling Warriors) and the other talks about patience and anger shown below (Captain Moroni & Pahoran). You can get a monthly subscription for $7.95 and we have so much fun doing her object lessons. The picture below is an object lesson on patience.