Come Follow Me August 18-23 : Helaman 1-6)
I Can Build My Foundation on Jesus Christ
Helaman 5:12
The Wise & Foolish Man from News with Naylors. Use a similar idea to teach about how Christ is our rock. We used a brick and bristle blocks for the wise man's house and you can use sand for the foolish man's house. Squirt with a squeeze bottle as the "rains come".

Build Upon the Rock from Latter Day Kids. The cutest animated videos, object lesson and scripture references to teach about building upon the rock of Christ.

Rock Painting. Talk about characteristics of rocks (hard, strong, can't break) and relate to how we can build on foundation on Christ (our rock).

The Holy Ghost Whispers with a Still Small Voice
Helaman 5:29-30, 45-47
Video Nephi and Lehi in Prison from Watch beforehand to see if this is appropriate for you child. It's a good summery of the story.

Holy Ghost Ideas. Watch the video or read the story above (Helaman 5:29-30, 45-47). Talk about how the Holy Ghost speaks to us as a still small voice and in other ways. Use one of the ideas below to learn about other ways the Holy Ghost speaks to us.
- The Holy Ghost & Presents. Open up a present to learn about ways the Holy Ghost helps us.
- Holy Ghost Camping Adventure. Relate camping to the Holy Ghost. Make sure to make oven baked s'mores (or on a campfire).
- The Holy Ghost. This lesson teaches how the Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. Play memory and a scripture matching game.
- The Holy Ghost is like a Blanket (girl) and The Holy Ghost is like a Blanket (boys)
Meck Mom share three amazing object lessons this week that go along with Come Follow Me. I'm really looking forward to doing them. They teach:
Physical Evidence with Holograms
Spiritual Evidence with Hot Chocolate
Lehi and Nephi in the Fire with a paper that doesn't burn (this looks so cool)