Love at Home (2): "Do we live at your house?"
This lesson mostly contains ideas from my favorite Family Home Evening blog, "The Golden Seven". Click the link to view the original lesson from the Golden Seven Blog.
For other Family Home Evening lessons, search our Family Home Evening Index.
Song: "A Happy Family" (Primary Children's Songbook pg. 198) Click here to sing along. We used these actions found in the nursery manual:
Pictures: First, I held up a picture of Jesus and His mom. I explained that Jesus was once a little boy that liked to run and play just like Easton. Heavenly Father blessed Jesus with a family to love, teach and care for Him. Next, I held a picture up of our wedding. I explained that dad and I love each other so much we decided to get married in the temple. By getting married in the temple, it means that our family can be together forever. I explained how happy I am to have Easton and Connor apart of our forever family. Next, I showed Easton a current picture of our little family (mom, dad, Easton and Connor). We discussed how happy it makes us and Heavenly Father when everyone is nice to each other. We can be nice by using nice words, sharing, listening to mom and dad, etc.

Story - "Do we live at your House?": I printed the story and visuals "Do We Live at your House?" from the Golden Seven Blog. The story comes with 11 fruits/vegetables each with a behavior description. I only used the fruits/vegetables with positive behaviors, because I thought this would be more appropriate for Easton (Always ready Apple, Caring Carrot, Sharing Celery, Cheery Cherry, Polite Potato and Tidy Tomato). I printed and cut out the positive behavior fruits/vegetables and put them in a brown paper sack. I had Easton draw a fruit/vegetable and I summarized the description (most of the descriptions are too long for a two year old) that went along it. For instance, when Easton drew the "Caring Carrot" I told him, "When his brother got hurt, he helped put a bandage on his brother's knee. He gives lots of loves and kisses. Caring Carrot makes everyone happy." Then, I asked Easton if Caring Carrot lived at our house? After each description, I would remind Easton of a time he was caring to our family.
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For other Family Home Evening lessons, search our Family Home Evening Index.
Song: "A Happy Family" (Primary Children's Songbook pg. 198) Click here to sing along. We used these actions found in the nursery manual:
I love mother; she loves me (place hand on chest)
We love daddy, yes sirree; (nod head up and down)
He loves us, and so you see (extend arms)
We are a happy family (hug self)
I love sister; she loves me (place hand on chest)
We love brother, yes sirree; (nod head up and down)
He loves us, and so you see (extend arms)
We are a happy family (hug self)

Story - "Do we live at your House?": I printed the story and visuals "Do We Live at your House?" from the Golden Seven Blog. The story comes with 11 fruits/vegetables each with a behavior description. I only used the fruits/vegetables with positive behaviors, because I thought this would be more appropriate for Easton (Always ready Apple, Caring Carrot, Sharing Celery, Cheery Cherry, Polite Potato and Tidy Tomato). I printed and cut out the positive behavior fruits/vegetables and put them in a brown paper sack. I had Easton draw a fruit/vegetable and I summarized the description (most of the descriptions are too long for a two year old) that went along it. For instance, when Easton drew the "Caring Carrot" I told him, "When his brother got hurt, he helped put a bandage on his brother's knee. He gives lots of loves and kisses. Caring Carrot makes everyone happy." Then, I asked Easton if Caring Carrot lived at our house? After each description, I would remind Easton of a time he was caring to our family.
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