Letter P: Songs & Rhymes

Here's a list of our Letter P songs:

1) The Pirate Song from Let's Play Music Kids.
  • Sing this song with actions. You can watch a video of the song with actions in the link provided above.
When I was one, I sucked my thumb, the day I went to sea.
I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me...
I'm going this way that way, forwards and backwards, over the Irish Sea.
A bottle of run to fill my tum, now that's the life for me.

"When I was two I buckled my shoe" and then I went to sea
I climbed aboard a pirate ship and the captain said to me...
I'm going this way that way, forwards and backwards, over the Irish Sea
A bottle of run to fill my tum, now that's the life for me.

V3: "When I was three I bashed my knee"
V4: "When I was four I scrubbed the flour"
V5: "When I was five I went for a dive"

2) Patty Cake.
  • I always hold my kids on my lap and do the actions with them.
Patty cake, patty cake,
Bakers man.
Bake me a cake
As fast as you can.
Pat it and prick it,
And cross it with a "B".
Then throw it in the oven,
for baby and me!

3) Pop goes the Weasel.

  • I printed a picture of a weasel and taped it onto one of the rockets to our stomp rocket toy. On the word "pop!" my boys would step on the red compressor and pop the weasel into the air. They loved this.
All round the mulberry bush,
The monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey thought twas all in good fun,
"POP!" goes the weasel.

4) Five Little Piggies.

  • Wiggle your child's toes (or fingers) one by one as you sing this song. My 22 month old especially loves this rhyme.

This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy stayed home.
This little piggy roast beef.
This little piggy had none.
This little piggy went WEE, WEE, WEE all the way home.

5) Five Little Penguins (youtube).

  • After watching the youtube version of this show, we sang the song while playing in our Snowy Penguin sensory bin. We built a hill with our "snow" and re-enacted the song with our toy penguins. Click here to view our Snowy Penguins tutorial.
Five little penguins waddling around,
The snow was slippery and one fell down.
Wee! to the water to play,
Leaving four little penguins waddling today.

Four... Three... Two...

One little penguin waddling around,
The snow was slippery and he fell down.
Wee! to the water to play,
Leaving five little penguins swimming today.

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