Repentance Steps "Come Follow Me" May 18-24 (Alma the Younger)


◽Print: Steps of Repentance PDF (google drive link) or (teachers pay teachers)

◽Place the "Steps of Repentance Cards" on a the stairs as shown in the picture above.


Open the lesson with a song (He Sent His Son - Children's Songbook p.34) and a prayer.

➤  INTRODUCTION ACTIVITY -- idea from Latter Day Kids

Invite children to gather around the picture of Alma the Younger. Hold the image upside-down while you proceed to tell the children a few details about the picture. Be very descriptive, so that the exercise lasts a coupe of minutes. "I want to tell you a story from the Book of Mormon about a man, named Alma the Younger. He was trying to destroy the church of God and lead people away from the Lord and the commandments. This is Alma and these are his friends, the Sons of Mosiah. As they were going about rebelling against God, an angel of the Lord appeared unto them."

If the children notice that the picture if turned upside down, and they ask you to turn it right side up, politely tell them that you must continue with the lesson. Keep describing the picture without turning the picture around.

After completing the activity, keep holding up the picture (upside down) while you discuss the following questions:

1) Did you notice that something was wrong while I was talking about this story?

2) Did you want me to turn it around?

3) Was it easy to ignore, or did it distract you?

4) Do you think you would understand or enjoy the picture more if it was facing the right way?

Explain: Just like there was something wrong with this picture, sometimes there can be something wrong in our hearts when we make bad choices. And if we don't fix it, it can make it harder for us to understand things and harder for us to enjoy things - just like when the picture is upside down.

But, when we do make a bad choice, we can fix it! And that's called REPENTANCE (turn the picture right-side up as you say the word repentance). Repentance is possible because of Jesus Christ.


Show your children the Repentance Steps on the stairs and explain that the steps teach us HOW to repent. Briefly explain the steps. As we repent, we come closer to Jesus and become more like Him.

Watch the Book of Mormon Video: "Alma is Converted to the Lord". Have your children place Alma at the bottom of the stairs as you start the movie. As Alma goes through the steps of repentance, have your children move Alma a step each time as he goes through the repentance process. Pause the video as needed as you explain the steps of repentance.

(Bottom Step): Ask your children to watch for what Alma did wrong (destroying the church, teaching that it's not true, persecuting those that believe). Next, we're going to watch for when Alma feels sorry or realizes he made some sad choices.

Step One: Feel Sorry. Have your children move Alma up to step one when Alma is remembering and acknowledging his sins.  In the movie, Alma says: "I've rebelled against my God." Next, we're going to watch for the next step of repentance when Alma asks for forgiveness.

Step Two: Ask Forgiveness. Have your children move Alma up to step two when Alma asks God for forgiveness: "O Jesus, thou son of God, have mercy on me." Although asking for forgiveness is an important part of repentance, there's sometimes more we need to do. What about all the people Alma led away? What should he do to make it right with them? Next, we're going to watch for the next step of repentance and how Alma made it right.

Step Three: Make it Right. Have your children move Alma up to step three at the scripture at the end of the movie: "Alma began from this time forward to teach the people, publishing to all the people the things which he had heard and seen, and preaching the word of God."

Step Four: Don't Do it Again. If you fast forward in the Book of Mormon and read Alma 36:24, we find out that Alma taught the people the rest of his life. Read the scripture and move Alma up to step four.

(Top Step): Show the picture of Jesus and explain that Jesus will forgive us every time we repent. Jesus gives us hope to know that we can be forgiven, no matter how many times we make the same mistake, and every time we try our best to change.


Apply the repentance steps to your children's lives. Give your kids a Repentance Scenario Card (or come up with one on your own), and have your children tell you what they would need to do for each repentance step. Optional: Have them earn an M&M for each step of the repentance process.


Bear your testimony about a time you repented. What did you do to repent and how did it FEEL to repent? Bear your testimony of the Savior and your gratitude for allowing you to repent.

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