A Puzzle Piece Testimony (Come Follow Me)
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Click to Download: A Puzzle Piece Testimony
➣ SONG: I Know My Father Lives (Children’s Songbook p.70)
My oldest just lost his first tooth, so we are going to relate testimonies to losing teeth!
A testimony is something you believe or know to be true. I know when you turn 5 or 6, you will lose your first baby tooth (show the complete version of a tooth). But, how do YOU know? Usually testimonies don’t come all at once. Instead, they come piece by piece. We connect all the pieces together, until we BELIEVE or KNOW that something is true. For instance, you may start to believe you will lose a baby tooth when mom tells you (place down one puzzle piece). Next, you read about it in a book (add another piece). Then, you see a friend at school lose a tooth (add another piece). After some time, you notice your tooth starts to become wiggly (add another piece). You see an adult tooth start to poke it’s way through your gum (add another piece). And then, finally, your tooth falls out (add the last puzzle piece).

Piece by piece, your testimony started to connect together until now you KNOW you will lose a baby tooth. It’s exciting. Now, you can go and show people your lost tooth and teach them about this experience. Do you think they will believe you? Others that see your lost tooth are going to believe that they will lose teeth, too! It will add a puzzle piece onto their belief that the will lose a baby tooth.
We also have spiritual experiences, or little puzzle pieces, that help our testimonies to develop. Just as you can go and show people your lost tooth and help others believe that teeth come out, we can also share our spiritual experiences to help others believe in Jesus Christ.
Read Alma 4:19 and talk about how Alma the Younger saw how wicked the people were, he decided the best way to help them was to bear “pure testimony” to them.
There are a couple of options here. You can go through one puzzle together as a family or give each person a puzzle to work on. Read through What is Pure Testimony? from the July 2020 New Era and talk about a few points you think are important for you family as you build puzzles together. These are a few that we’re going to use with my family:
A Testimony is Personal: “As you grow in the gospel, it is important to develop a testimony of your own. Just as two people would have different approaches to assembling a puzzle—maybe one person puts the edge pieces together while another begins matching colors—we each build a testimony through beliefs and experiences in an order unique to us.”
A Testimony Takes Work & Effort: “Just as you can’t take a completed puzzle out of the box without doing any work, you can’t expect your testimony to come all at once. You learn, piece by piece, the truthfulness of the gospel. Maintaining a strong testimony requires constant effort. As you continue to work on increasing your knowledge of the gospel, the Holy Ghost will bless you in your efforts and your testimony will continue to grow.”