Letter O Songs & Rhymes
Here's a list of our favorite Letter O Songs & Rhymes:
1) Five Little Owls from Childcare Land.
- Print owls (from the link above) and tape them onto popsicle sticks to use as props for this song. Start by holding all five owls and remove one as needed.
1... 2... 3... 4... 5 little owls sitting in a tree,
They were shouting "who who who" as loud as can be.
One flew away and then there were four.
1... 2... 3... 4 little owls sitting in a tree,
They were shouting "who who who" as loud as can be.
One flew away and then there were three.
1... 2... 3 little owls sitting in a tree,
They were shouting "who who who" as loud as can be.
One flew away and then there were two.
1... 2 little owls sitting in a tree,
They were shouting "who who who" as loud as can be.
One flew away and then there was one.
1 little owls sitting in a tree,
They were shouting "who who who" as loud as can be.
One flew away and then there were no little owls sitting in the tree.
2) There Was a Wise Owl from DLTK Kids.
- Use an owl puppet/stuffed animal or owl clipart while saying this rhyme. You can print the image below from the link provided above.
3) Old McDonald Had an Ocean from The Kindergarten Smorgasboard.
- Fill a basket full of ocean animals (either stuffed animals, beanie babies, toy ocean animals or clipart). Have your child(ren) take turns drawing an animal from the basket and incorporate the animal into the song.
Old McDonald had an ocean
And in his ocean he had a shark!
With a chomp chomp here
With a chomp chomp here
and a chomp chomp there.
Here a chomp, there a chomp,
Everywhere a chomp chomp.
Old McDonald had an ocean
- Print this song from the link provided. We used this as a finger action song.
Tune: Frere Jacque
There are five
(hold up five fingers)
There are five
(hold up five fingers)
Oceans, Oceans
Pacific and Atlantic
(hold up one finger on Pacific and two fingers on Atlantic)
Indian and Arctic
(hold up three fingers on Indian and four fingers on Arctic)
Southern too
(hold up all five fingers)
Southern too

5) Ocean Movement Cards from Teachers Pay Teachers.
- Have your child(ren) take turns drawing and acting out the ocean animals. Yes, these aren't a song or rhyme, but I still wanted to organize them here on my blog. My kids (ages 3, 1) both loved these! Note: The cards pictured below were so cute, I had to spend the $2 to purchase them. However, you can find free ocean movement cards here.
- Use the actions below while saying this rhyme.
Open, shut them
(open hands, shut hands)
Open, shut them
(open hands, shut hands)
Give a little clap
Open, shut them
(open hands, shut hands)
Open, shut them
(open hands, shut hands)
Place them in your lap.
(place hands in your lap)