An Instrument in God's Hands

For Come Follow Me, we learned about the Sons of Mosiah and how they were instruments in the hands of God. They were instruments as they served others and taught others of Christ. We are each blessed with different strengths and talents to help others, but we need to be WILLING to share them, so God can use us as His instruments. The Book of Mormon video this week was really touching to me, and these object lessons from @meckmomlife Book of Mormon Course helped me plan a fun and engaging way to teach this principle to my children.

Watch the Video Tutorial @newswithnaylors

➤ Introduction.

Ask your children what an instrument is. Can it be played on its own or does someone need to play it? Can we be instruments? How can we be instruments spiritually? 

➤ Scripture Video - The Sons of Mosiah.

Watch The Sons of Mosiah from and talk about how the Sons of Mosiah were instruments by serving and teaching the Lamanites. How did they show God they were willing to serve Him? (Desire, fasting, prayer). How did God use them to help others?

➤ Object Lesson - Glass Instruments

Show the object lesson first. Grab a goblet and explain that the goblet represents us. Pour water and explain how Heavenly Father has blessed us all with different strengths and talents. Drop in food coloring and talk about how even though we have strengths/talents, we need to be willing to share them so God can use us as His instruments. Next, dip your finger in a little bit of water and run your finger along the top rim of the goblet. This takes some practice. 

Let your children have a turn. This took some practice, but you can see how we did it on my instagram page (link above). 

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