General Conference Game Plan

This year, I am testing a couple different ideas in effort to help my children get something out of General Conference. I want it to be engaging, lots of fun, and a positive experience for them. The first thing we need to think about is a good breakfast. We are making these Cinnamon Rolls from Amber’s Kitchen. They are heaven in dough form. Next, do you want to be apart of a Tent Challenge? Make a simple or extravagant tent to remember King Benjamin’s speech as the people listened to a prophet. This would be a fun tradition for kids to look forward to every General Conference.

General Conference Overview: This year, we are going to test out a few engaging, but simple games to earn tickets during each session of General Conference. You can buy actual tickets at the Dollar Store or use the ones provided for you (page 3 - print on white or colored card stock). Either at the end of each talk or the end of each session, we are going to add up our tickets and cash them in (or save them to earn a bigger reward) for various prizes. You want the prizes to be things that your kids will be excited about. For instance,  “Crepes for Breakfast” would be very motivating at my house. You can even ask your kids what they think would fun to have as a prize. Our prizes are things my kids especially love that we “sometimes” do or would do at our home anyway. They also include things that they “can’t have” unless they have enough tickets. Something about not being able to have a gel pen (I bought these new this year!) or not being able to use a stuffed animal until you have enough tickets makes it a lot more enticing. You can view our prize sheet on page 4. A blank one is provided on page 5.

There are 6-7 speakers per session., so put that into account as you plan out tickets.

Games to Earn Tickets:

Conference Squares - Saturday Morning Session: We used these last General Conference and it’s one of the only things that has worked to keep my children engaged during conference. So, we’re doing them again! But this year, we are going to earn 2 tickets for each BINGO. This game kept my kids engaged for an entire session last year. Kids will get around 2 Bingos each session (4 tickets per session).

Match Mom - Saturday Afternoon Session: Choose a “special word” on page 6 as you listen to a conference talk. When you hear the special word, mark a tally in the corresponding box. At the end of the talk, check to see if you have the same amount of tally’s as mom. If you match mom, you earn a ticket! A blank sheet is also provided (page 7). Kids will earn 6-7 tickets each session.

Book of Mormon Activity Pages - Sunday Morning Session: These look great. I’m going to print them and put them into binders for each kid. You can either turn in a certain number of pages for tickets OR if they are working on their notebook (or listening to the speaker), they earn a ticket at the end of each talk. Kids will earn 6-7 tickets each session.

Saturday Afternoon Session: Play which game worked best for your family again.

This is just a very rough draft of ideas. I’m not expecting everything to go perfectly, because we’ve never tried these ideas before and because kids can be very unpredictable with how they respond to different things (meaning it’s out of MY control). I just know I’m going to go into General Conference with a positive attitude and be flexible with what’s working. Do we have to do all the games? Absolutely not. Can we do the same game the entire time? Of course. 

My best advice is to do what’s best for your family on this wonderful weekend! Maybe you only bring out Conference Squares. Maybe instead of tickets and prizes, you do a simple M&M or chocolate chip. I’d love to hear what has worked for your family in the past and how this year goes for you! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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