Week 25: Repentance

I'll be honest. Our morning meetings haven't really happened in the past few weeks. Instead, we combine everything into one family home evening lesson in the evening. On a side note, this was one of my very favorite family home evening lessons. My boys especially loved the object lesson. How does it do that!? 

Download Here: Repentance PDF

What is Repentance? We started our night by talking about what repentance is - a change to do better. Repentance is a good thing, because it helps us feel better and draws us closer to Heavenly Father. We talked about three steps of repentance - recognizing our mistake, saying sorry and fixing it, and trying our best to not do it again. 

Scripture & Picture. We read from Luke about the two thieves who were crucified with Jesus. The second thief recognized his wrong doings on the cross and started to repent. We must repent to live with Jesus again.

Repentance Object Lesson: We learned about a girl, named Sara, who was bit by a poisonous rattle snake and had to go to the doctor. The doctor gave her medicine and she chose to drink it to get better physically. We did the object lesson over again talking about a boy, named James, who stole candy from the grocery store. He chose to repent and rely on Jesus and the atonement to get better spiritually. We reviewed the repentance cards and how James repented. 

Testimony and Treat.

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