Week 7: Baptism (2)

Morning Meeting (John 3:1-8): The Story of Nicodemus. Read together and Watch Video. Explain to your children that "being born again" refers to being baptized and we must be baptized to return to live with Heavenly Father. Review Jesus' baptism and our baptismal covenants, so the kids are ready to play Baptism Jeopardy tonight. You can find the three pictures below - Nicodemus, Jesus' Baptism & Covenants Sheet in my Baptism (2) PDF.

Family Home Evening:

1) Thomas Repents. Before starting the story, we talked about the difference between mistakes/accidents and sin. It's all about our intentions. Mistakes are when we do something without knowing any better and accidents are when things happen NOT on purpose. A sin is when we know a right choice and we choose to do the opposite. Give some examples. The story and Thomas relates well to children. You'll need:
  • Thomas and Thomas Repents Story (found in the Baptism (2) PDF).
  • A plastic sleeve  
  • Black Dry Erase Marker (represents sin)
  • Wet Wipes (represents repentance) 
Place Thomas in the plastic sleeve. Read through the story. For every sin, make a red spot on Thomas. At the end of the story talk about how when sin we are no longer clean. What can we do to be clean again? Repent and Be Baptized. Talk about the Savior and use a wet wipe to wipe away the black marks (sins) on Thomas. I like this analogy - Just as we use WATER to clean our hands, clothes, dishes and bodies the WATER of baptism cleans us spiritually. We need to be spiritually clean to live with Heavenly Father.

2) Baptism Jeopardy. Print the Baptism Jeopardy Cards found in the Baptism (2) PDF and tape THE TOP of each card onto a poster board (you can find these at the Dollar Store). The reason I tape the top of the card is so I can easily flip the card up to read the answer underneath. You can use double sided printing - like I did below - so the question is on the back of the number card as you flip it up.

3) Treat.

Please Note: I found the activity ideas for this lesson on The Cozy Red Cottage and wanted to do a few things differently, so I made my own PDF. I absolutely LOVE her Come Follow Me ideas. If you're looking for more ideas, visit her blog! It's amazing.

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