Shoot the Flames

We are learning about FIRE this week and I knew my boys would love any type of activity with squirt guns, water and firemen pretend play. I set this activity up in our tub and went down stairs exclaiming that there's a fire in the bathroom! The boys ran in and found these flames (cut out from red, yellow and orange foam paper - from the Dollar Store) on the tub wall. Foam sticks really well to the side of the tub with the help of a little water. I also made shaving cream flames with shaving cream and orange and yellow food coloring. Make sure to fill the tub with water, so they have some water to fill their squirt guns!

My boys (ages 4, 2) got right to work. I love these squirt guns, because they are so kid friendly. Even my two could use his without help.

After the flames were all down, my four really wanted to make more flames and hop in the tub. So, that's what we did! I helped the boys add more food coloring to their shaving cream flames and we pulled out our squirt bottles to wash them down. This activity involves gross motor, fine motor, colors, sensory and counting if you want to count the flames. So much learning all in one afternoon!

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