Prophets - Past & Present

Introduction: Ask the children to raise their hand if they've heard the word "prophet". Teach them that a "prophet is a man who talks with Heavenly Father and Jesus. Since Heavenly Father and Jesus are not on the earth to teach us, they have prophets to help them. Heavenly Father and Jesus teach the prophet, and the prophet teaches us what we should do so that we can be blessed and happy." Let's look at a few examples of prophets.

Prophet Guess Bag: Before the lesson, fill brown paper sacks with items that can help/teach the children about different prophets. For instance, put a stuffed animal lion in one of the bags for children to guess "Daniel". Here's what we put in our bags:

Have a child take a turn drawing items from one of the bags. Give them clues and have them either identify the prophet or teach them about the prophet. After the prophet is identified, hold up a picture to briefly explain the story. Click the links above to view the pictures we used. Make sure to explain that Jesus told Noah to build an ark to save his family from a flood. And Jesus sent angels to protect Daniel in the Lion's Den. And Jesus told Joseph Smith not to join any other churches. Etc. Tell stories about President Monson found in the link above (including his hobby of fishing) and explain that Jesus speaks to him today, so we can know what Heavenly Father wants us to do. Have them repeat "President Monson."

Prophet Stations: Make play stations for each of the prophets you discussed today. Invite the children to choose which station(s) they'd like to play with. We only had three stations with items we already had on hand, but here are some other ideas as well:
Testimony: Bear testimony of past prophets and a living prophet today. Express gratitude to Heavenly Father for blessing us with prophets. 

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