Click to view a Video Tutorial: @newswithnaylors Click to Download: A Puzzle Piece Testimony ➣ PRAYER : ➣ SONG: I Know My Father Lives (Children’s Songbook p.70) ➣ INTRODUCTION ACTIVITY & SCRIPTURE: My oldest just lost his first tooth, so we are going to relate testimonies to losing teeth! A testimony is something you believe or know to be true. I know when you turn 5 or 6, you will lose your first baby tooth (show the complete version of a tooth). But, how do YOU know? Usually testimonies don’t come all at once. Instead, they come piece by piece. We connect all the pieces together, until we BELIEVE or KNOW that something is true. For instance, you may start to believe you will lose a baby tooth when mom tells you (place down one puzzle piece). Next, you read about it in a book (add another piece). Then, you see a friend at school lose a tooth (add another piece). After some time, you notice your tooth starts to become wiggly (add an...