Come Follow Me: September 21-27 (3 Nephi 12-16)
I can be a good example for others.
Let Your Light Shine from Little Family Fun. Write ways we can be examples to others on strips of yellow card stock. Glue them around the orange circle, and your children will realize it's a sun (which gives off light). We can be a light to others when we do these things.
Reflector Analogy from Meck Mom. I have her monthly Book of Mormon subscription, and find so many great object lessons. This is one of the three ideas for this week. Talk about reflectors and what they're used for (protection and safety). How do they shine? Where's the battery? Well, there isn't a battery. Explain how they only shine when they are lit by something else (like a head light or flashlight). Talk about how Jesus is our source of light. He invites us to come to Him and be like Him. When we follow Him, His light shines through us and protects us from harm.
Let Your Light So Shine from Latter Day Kids. A great animated video that explains this principle so beautifully.
Heavenly Father answers my prayers.

The Savior wants me to hear and do what he teaches.
Peacemaker Family Lesson from News with Naylors. I put together this lesson last year when we were learning about beatitudes in the New Testament. It has a file folder matching game, a secret code figure out, and peace maker scenarios. Free Download.
"Blessed are the" means "oh, the happiest of". Think about how we get joy from each beatitude.
Poor in Spirit: This isn't regarding money or hunger or food. It is when we realize something is lacking. There is something missing from my life. There is something more that we need. When there is a lack, we turn to Christ.
Mourn: Where we see we've gone astray. When we realize there is a gap between us and the Savior. It's a sorrow from what's missing, but also a hope that we can cross that gap. We mourn where we are lacking.
Meek: Not weakness. Absolute power and absolute control. I have the capability to do whatever I want, but I choose my agency to do something good. We control the natural man.
Hunger and Thirst After Righteous: Once we choose to be poor in spirit, mourn and are meek, we start to not hunger and thirst after worldly things. We start to desire things that are righteous. We see clearly.
Merciful: When we are filled with things that are good, we see things differently. We see a broader perspective and judge not.
Pure in Heart: Refine and sanctify yourself. Listen to the prompting of the Holy Ghost. You start to see the way the Savior does.
Blessed are the Peacemakers: A proactive thing. Not in response to a situation, but something you intentionally plan beforehand to create peace in your home or your life. It means you're making space for the Holy Ghost.
Revile Against You: It doesn't mean you're going to be popular or be listened to. You might struggle, but you're in good company. Be in peace with it.
Once you've been through this refining process, he asks us to shine our light. Turn inward instead of outward. God makes the sun shine on everybody, whether they love Him or not. Be good to others. Being perfect is a progression of something you'll grow into. It's not a perfectly shaped pinecone, it's how the pinecone turns into a pine tree.