I am Thankful for Trees, Plants & Flowers

This lesson contains ideas from the current Sunbeams Manual, "I am Thankful for Trees, Plants & Flowers."

Attention Activity: Remind the children of The Creation. You can go through this Creation Story if you'd like. Teach them that on the third day, Jesus created trees, plants, and flowers. Explain that Heavenly Father and Jesus wanted to make the earth beautiful with trees, plants and flowers. Let the children talk about experiences they have had with trees, plants and flowers.

Slideshow: Slide 2-4. Have you ever wondered what the earth would look like without flowers? Show slide 2. What colors do you see? Do you think this looks beautiful? Let's take a look at what the earth looks like WITH trees. Show slides 3 & 4. Talk about the details, colors and beauty of the trees.

Slides 5-7. Let's take a look at how gardens would look without flowers. Show slide 5. What colors do you see? Do you think the dirt looks beautiful? Let's take a look at what gardens look like WITH plants and flowers! Explain the contrast in the pictures and express gratitude for the beautiful flowers and plants.

Slide 8. Summarize this story: "Kelly has a favorite tree to play under. One morning her mother wakes her and says that she has a surprise for Kelly to see. Kelly's favorite tree is covered with beautiful white blossoms that look like popcorn. Kelly asks how popcorn got on her favorite tree, and her mother explains the importance of blossoms." Talk about the picture and sing "Popcorn Popping" from the Children's Songbook.

Slide 9. Explain that plants and trees are necessary for us to live. Show slide 9. Talk about how birds use the tree for their home. "They carefully build a nest, and the mother bird lays eggs in it. When the baby birds hatch from the eggs, the tree provides a good home for them. It protects them from the hot sun, from the rain, and from animals on the ground that would harm them." 

Show slide 10 & 11. "The tree also provides fruit for the family that lives nearby." Talk about your children's favorite fruit.

Show slide 12. "The children play in the shade of the tree and attach a swing to a large branch." Talk about experiences your children have had with trees. My boys love to climb trees!

Slide 13 & 14. Show slide 13. When part of the tree dies, the family cuts it down and uses it for firewood to keep the house warm. Show slide 14. Talk about the many things in your home made from wood. Express gratitude for trees and Heavenly Father and Jesus for creating them. 

Slide 15. We also use plants in many ways. Mostly for food. This is a picture of a zucchini.

Activity: Make Zucchini Bread. My boys and I loved making this bread together and learning about where all the ingredients came from! We talked about how grateful we are to Heavenly Father and Jesus for providing food and nutrients for us to eat. We went through the remaining slides (shown below) as we added each ingredient. Everything, but two ingredients, were from plants, flowers or trees! We are enjoying Zucchini bread for the rest of the week as we remember our lesson!


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