
Showing posts from May, 2019

Week 21: My Body is a Temple

My Body is a Temple PDF Morning Meeting (Matthew 21:12-13 "Jesus Cleanses the Temple"). Read the verses together while showing the picture. Add any additional information you'd like. I had to research this story a little bit to understand it better. Basically, people from all over came to Jerusalem for the Passover. They needed a lamb/goat to sacrifice and a lot of people would plan to buy them in Jerusalem, because of the long journey. The "thieves" as Jesus calls them knew this and exchanged money in the temple for an unfair rate and sold the lambs and goats for much more than what was fair. It was dishonest. The temple is meant to be reverent and a house of prayer. Jesus made the "thieves" leave.  Family Home Evening: 1) Tell dad about our morning meeting. 2) Taking Care of Things. My boys loved this. We went through the examples (the "taken care of" picture first, followed by the "not taken care of" pi...

Week 20: Marriage

Print: Temple Marriage PDF Morning Meeting: None. Family Home Evening: 1) Mark 10:6-8. Read the verses about marriage in the scriptures and talk about WHY we are married in the temple. (It's a commandment, it shows our love and obedience to Heavenly Father, it's necessary to obtain the highest level in the Celestial Kingdom, we make covenants, we're sealed and live as a family forever). Show your children a picture of a sealing room (found in PDF). 2) Show your children pictures and talk about memories of your wedding day and temple marriage. Explain why you chose to be married in the temple and how it has blessed you. 3) Activity Options: Play Families are Forever (to the tune of the Farmer in the Dell) from  Natalie's FHE Spot . You can print a picture of the Salt Lake Temple in my PDF.  In a circle or line sing: (Daddy stands in the middle with picture of temple) Fam'lies are forever, Fam'lies are forever, hi-ho the temple-o...

Week 19: The Ten Lepers (gratitude)

Print Here:  Ten Lepers PDF Morning Meeting (Luke 17:11-19 "The Ten Lepers") Hold up the picture below (included in PDF - link at the bottom of the post) and either read the verses from the scriptures or read the summary included. You can use double sided printing to print the summary on the back of the picture. Talk about the importance of saying "Thank You." Another option would be to watch the video from Family Home Evening: 1) Tell dad about our morning meeting. 2) M&M Gratitude Game. We did this activity back in January, and my boys loved it so much we are going to do it again. Show them the M&M Gratitude Printable (included in PDF). Gather a bunch of mini red m&ms in your hand and go around in a circle each saying a PERSON you're grateful for. You can go around the circle once, twice or more. For each person they name, they get a red m&m. Continue for the remaining colors. I love hearing my children's answe...

Week 18: Jesus Heals a Blind Man

Morning Meeting (John 9). I think the Bible Videos on are so powerful. For younger children, you could even watch the first half of Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind  (until the man receives his sight). I've also included a very simple version of the story you can print in my PDF. Family Home Evening: 1) Tell dad about our morning meeting. 2) Blind Fold Game. Wrap a blind fold over your children's eyes and have them try to walk to different places. Focus on how hard it would be to not be able to see. Ask them if they would like to be blind.  Picture found on Google 3) Spirit Eyes Object Lesson. Jesus often relates things from our physical bodies to teach us something about our spiritual bodies. You can either buy brown play dough (most likely at the Dollar Store) or make this AMAZING, easy, super soft home-made version. All you need is flour, salt, cocoa powder, cream of tartar, oil and water. Recipe and instructions are found in my PDF....