FHE: The Scriptures
This lesson contains ideas from " Heavenly Father and Jesus Gave Us the Scriptures " from the current Sunbeam Manual. Prayer: Attention Activity: Wrap up or cover a set of scriptures. Tell the children that you have something very important to you inside. Have them try to guess what it is. After a few guesses, have them feel through the cloth or paper. Uncover the set of scriptures. Powerpoint - Slide 2. The scriptures are sacred books. "Explain that scriptures are important books that are different from other books. They are sacred books. Remind the children that something that is sacred helps us think about Heavenly Father and Jesus. Explain that the scriptures tell us about Heavenly Father and Jesus and how much they love us. They tell us what Heavenly Father and Jesus want us to do so we can be happy." Powerpoint - Slide 3. Four sets of scripture. Explain that there are four standard works and read them aloud on the screen. Then show your own ...