Letter N: N is for Nuts, Nut Sorting, Help the Squirrel, Fall Math Game (Day 5)

1) N is for Nuts : Have your child glue nuts onto a letter N. 2) Sort Nuts from The Measured Mom: We only sorted three different kinds of nuts - peanuts, almonds and walnuts. He didn't last long, but it was a good start on sorting and nut vocabulary. 3) Help the Squirrel : Easton loves to help "feed" animals, so this was a good activity for him. He was 20 months when we did this activity, so we only used numbers 1-3. He identified the number for me, and I helped him count three peanuts to place on the mat. "Look! You just fed the squirrel three nuts..one, two, three." Click the link to print Free Counting Mats from The Measured Mom. 4) Fall Math Game from the measured mom blog: Again, Easton was very little when we did the Letter N. These cards come in three different levels, so we only did the beginning level.